Let’s talk about being a good girl. A good girl is all about being proper. You never slip up. You don’t upset others. You leave that for yourself.
Wear the proper dress. Speak the correct words. Smile. Say hello to everyone on the street. Cry pretty. Eat cute. Don’t break the rules. Live in some sort of unrealistic world full of fear, hurt, and self hatred. That is being a good girl.
Slowly lose your mind. Start making reckless decisions, but only in your early 20s. After that it is only sad. Don’t be single. Don’t drink too much unless you are out with your friends, then only when you go out but never too much that you can’t make it home. Eat copious amounts of junk food, but only if you have the metabolism to sustain that lifestyle. Curse, but only if you saying it in an exaggerated way like “Beeyyyotch” and in a high voice.
Kiss boys, but in private. Don’t let anyone know how far you go. Post pretty pictures online and study hard in school. Get a good job and find a good man or woman. If you choose the later, decide who will have the kids. Maintain the pre-90s view of the family. Keep your parents happy. Call them once a week. Have a large friend group.
Never talk about using the bathroom. You are a female. You don’t shit.
If you lose your mind, only do it to your partner if it is a man. Do this because he didn’t treat you like the damn lady you are. Sorry, no cursing, the special lady. Fuck that….fuck this.
Good girl. Whatever. You’ve done that…you’ve failed at that. Have them keep their “Say hi to the man on the street” and “never walk alone” weak shit. You don’t want to have to watch your back secretly, you want to scream LEAVE ME BE! You want to fuck, smoke, drink, stay out too late and alienate your friends, because if you do alienate them out of your life, you’re better off.
You want to be like the men in your life but your female package. Like that package. Don’t be limited by that package. Vagina doesn’t equal good. It is just where you bleed from once every 20-28 days.
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